Thursday 7 May 2020

My magic trick

This is a magic trick I learnt it off tv on an ad. The magic trick is where you have 2 cups and a dollar coin and you have to quickly flick your hand on the cup with the coin under it while you tilt the other cup to catch the coin. The coin moves so fast it is hard to see, you have to do lots of practice to get as good as on the video. I practised heaps.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Lucas
    Magic is so much fun! I like watching magic tricks. Card tricks are also cool. Do you know any card tricks?

  3. WOW Lucas, that sure was fast...I think I blinked and missed it. Have you learnt any more cup tricks?

  4. Hi Lucas that is a good magic trick

  5. You are right. That is cool. You were so fast. You said you practised heaps Lucas, my question is how long did it take to get that good?


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