Tuesday 7 September 2021

My lego creation The Long tailed Bat

 For my class challenge I we had to make a NZ native animal, I chose to make a Long Tailed bat out of lego because it is small and it is extremely close to extinction. It eats flying insects like mosquitoes, beetles and small moths. It can fly very fast up to 60 kilometres an hour.

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Feeding ducks in lockdown

There were ducks walking around my street and making noises so I thought  I should feed them. I grabbed some bread and threw it on the ground and the ducks came over and ate 2 bits each. They came the next day for more bread.  We found were they were living at a empty section near where I live. 

Thursday 26 August 2021

Daffodil day

 I made some daffodils out of paper. I got a tutorial from alphamom.com called Spring Craft. I used paper, pipe cleaners & a hot glue gun I measured, cut and glued paper to make daffodils.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Bull shark attack

 I read a book called  shark attacks. It is about bull sharks that attack people and take them out to sea and drown them then eat them.

To avoid a shark attack stay out of murky water, do not swim at night or when there is a shark sign. If a shark attacks you this is what to do: kick it or punch it in the nose or the gills or the eyes.

Monday 16 August 2021

Rugby prizegiving

I went to  prizegiving becose it was the end of the sezen and  hoped to get a trophy.

I was with 5 teams which are under 5, under7,  under 9 (which is my team), under 11 and under 13.

I got the U9 Sportsman trophy for  driving through the opponents team, never giving up and playing on the opponents team when they short on players.


Friday 6 August 2021

Holladay whriting

I wrote a recount. I learnt what a recount is. We did it our writing activity. Have you ever done a recount?

Friday 9 July 2021

Term 2

These are the things we did this term: Sculpt GL, reading, writing, maths, learn a song, practise for a debate, PE, music lab, Matariki art and many more!

  Sculpt GL is when you sculpt cool stuff like this.

We also  made animated GIF's. We made a srceencastify.  There was another app to put the srceencastafy in. This is my animated GIF.

Another thing we did was sing E tu tangata. I did not like the song music lab is when you click to play tunes and it is really cool.  It was a very busy term - has your term been as busy?